- How was your flight? Was it comfortable? 你坐的班机怎么样?还舒服吗?
- Be it our duty to comply with his request? 我们有义务满足他的要求吗?
- Be it that you have never meet the right woman? 是不是因为你从未遇到合适的女人呢?
- Was it comfortable? 还舒服吗?
- Be it your intention to diet to keep your figure? 您打算节食以保持苗条体形吗?
- Be it possible to stop over at beirut? 可以中途在贝鲁特停留吗?
- I padded out my pillow to make it comfortable. 我在枕头里填了些东西,以使它舒服点。
- Be it true( that) traffic in britain keep leave? 在英国来车辆都靠左行驶,对吗?
- In a lilac sun bonnet she was it. 她戴着一顶紫色遮阳帽,漂亮极了。
- Were it not for science, we could not live a comfortable live. 若非科学,我们无法过着舒适的生活。
- Be it allow to import the watch? 允许进口这块手表吗?
- Far be it from me to tell you what to do. 我是不会告诉你干些什么的。
- Not only was it difficult to light, but it smelled of oil. 它不仅难于点着,而且闻起来有一股油味。
- Was it you I espied jogging in the park this morning? 我今早看到在公园里有人慢跑,是你吗?
- She was good, but was it any good to pour it on like that? 她固然很好,但有必要那样大肆吹捧吗?
- Do I really hear someone come in, or be it only a fancy? 我是真听到有人进来还是仅仅是幻觉而已?
- What was it that finally decided you to give up your plan? 是什么最後使你决定放弃你的计划的?
- And be it indeed that you have erred, your errors remain with yourself. 如果你真的错了,那也是你个人的错误。
- When was it that you got to know Teacher li? 你到底何时同李教师熟识起来的?
- Was it George who telephoned?'The same.' ie Yes, it was George. `是乔治打的电话吗?'`是他.;'